To digital περιβάλλον επηρεάζει την εικόνα των επιχειρήσεων που διαφημίζονται σε αυτό και η βέλτιστη τοποθέτηση είναι κρίσιμη! Γι’ αυτό έχει δημιουργηθεί το πλαίσιο του Brand Safety, το οποίο διασφαλίζει την προβολή των brands σε «ασφαλές» περιβάλλον. Τo Marketing Week παρουσιάζει ένα νέο συνέδριο που θα αναλύσει τις πτυχές του Brand Safety και θα παρουσιάσει σε brands, agencies και publishers τεχνογνωσία και εργαλεία που συμβάλλουν συνολικά στη διασφάλιση ποιότητας και αποτελεσματικότητας στην επικοινωνία.
Το Brand Safety Conference θα εξετάσει τόσο διεθνείς τάσεις κι εξελίξεις όσο και αναδυόμενες βέλτιστες πρακτικές, ειδικά όπως αυτές προκύπτουν από τα νέα δεδομένα των τελευταίων μηνών.
Η αναλυτική θεματολογία θα καλύψει σειρά ζητημάτων που αφορούν τα brands, τα agencies και τους publishers.
Για παράδειγμα, θα συζητηθούν η αξιολόγηση του περιεχομένου/περιβάλλοντος και οι δείκτες αποτελεσματικότητας, μέσα στο πλαίσιο της επαλήθευσης και της απαραίτητης διαφάνειας.
Παράλληλα, το συνέδριο θα εστιάσει σε μία σειρά ξεχωριστών παραμέτρων (όπως, λ.χ. το συναίσθημα του χρήστη) καθώς και σε νέα εργαλεία που πολλαπλασιάζουν τις δυνατότητες βελτιστοποίησης του brand safety.
Τέλος, θα εξεταστούν ανανεωμένοι ρόλοι για τα όλα τα εμπλεκόμενα μέρη και νέα μοντέλα συνεργασίας τόσο στο κλασσικό web όσο και στο ταχυτατα ανερχόμενο οικοσύστημα της connected TV.
At Verizon Media, we connect people to their passions. With brands like Yahoo, TechCrunch and more, we help people stay informed and entertained, communicate and transact while creating new ways for advertisers and partners to connect in a brand-safe & cookieless world. From XR experiences to advertising and content technology, Verizon Media is an incubator of innovation and is revolutionizing the next generation of content creation in the 5G era.
DPG Digital Media is the leading and most diversified digital media network in the Greek market. DPG manages a portfolio of 10 premium brands, offering a wide audience penetration whilst covering the full spectrum of interests of the modern consumer. Our leading brands ensure a brand safe and premium context for advertisers, in line with the Company’s vision to produce valuable content along with unique & effective advertising solutions.
We are Mediabrands, a CLIENT-FIRST, CONSULTING-LED, COMMUNITY-DRIVEN group of 13,000 media and marketing specialists in over 130 countries on a mission to ensure our clients win in the marketplace. Through our portfolio of brands, and culture of collaboration, we offer the media and marketing capabilities it takes to invest smarter and grow our client’s businesses now and in the future.
At Mediabrands, we have a portfolio of best-in-class global media and marketing agencies built on strong capabilities and deep client partnership. Our individual brands in Greece – Initiative, Matterkind, Reprise, UM, Magna – deliver advanced capabilities across a range of services. Collectively, we have a single goal which is to HELP OUR CLIENTS GROW. That focus on our clients, and their success, underpins everything we do.
OCM is a leading Ad-Tech Agency, providing customized solutions to Advertisers, Advertising Agencies and to Web, Mobile & Video Publishers. Our unique product – AdSquirrel – allows Publishers deliver campaigns towards their brand safe content and further enhance Ad targeting by utilizing our contextual, keyword, sentiment and named entity targeting, ensuring absolute transparency and credibility.
Phaistos Networks S.A. is a leading R & D tech company, with more than 20 years of expertise in building cutting-edge technologies and innovative services, designed to lead developments forward and drive true business results in Digital Marketing.
Phaistos Networks is on a mission to actively contribute to the continuous development and further development of digital advertising, bringing together all aspects of the digital advertising ecosystem, proposing innovative integrated and customized solutions that cater the needs and add value to each stakeholder.
Teads, The Global Media Platform, is the single access point for advertisers to connect to the world’s best publishers and reach an audience of over 1.5 billion people every month. Teads’ made-for-mobile ad experiences deliver the best combination of mass reach and brand safety in the market.
Teads’ end-to-end platform provides a sustainable advertising ecosystem that respectfully connects brands to consumers. Teads demand-side, sell-side and creative technology delivers effective and engaging advertising experiences for consumers, guaranteed outcomes for brands, and ultimately powers publishers with better monetization solutions to fund quality journalism.
Teads partners with the leading marketers, agencies and publishers through a team of 800+ people in 26 countries.
CONEQ provides technical equipment and services to any kind of event. With our Simultaneous Interpretation Systems, Conference Systems, AudioVisual Equipment we support events and provide the best service to our customers. Our professionalism, our high quality of service and state of the art equipment offered to over 600 large and of great significance conferences during the last 5 years have certainly contributed to our constant uptrend. Call us at (+30) 211 2163453. or email us at [email protected]